Simple Select With Parameters
In this example we going to use the data from the local SQL server selecting the data from the sysobjects table and executing the results into the .NET class called ExampleSysObjects, this time we will take in the xType as a parameter to filter by.
The Target Class
public class ExampleSysObjects { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string XType { get; set; } public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } }
public class ExampleReadDataAsExecuteListOf : SqlServerDataAccess { public ExampleReadDataAsExecuteListOf() : base( new DataAccessConfig("SampleConfig", new DataAccessConfigOptions { ConnectionStringKey = "notused" }, new HardCodedConnectionStringsResolver("Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Integrated Security = true")) ) { } // Option 1 using cmd.Parameters.Add. public IList<ExampleSysObjects> ReadSysObjectsOfType(string xtype) { var cmd = CreateTextCommand("Select top 10 id as Id, name as Name, xtype as XType, crdate as CreateDate from sysobjects where xtype = @xtype"); cmd.Parameters.Add(xtype.ToSqlParameter("@xtype")); return ExecuteToListOf<ExampleSysObjects>(cmd); } // Option 2 using WithParameters for Many Parameters public IList<ExampleSysObjects> ReadSysObjectsOfType2(string xtype) { var cmd = CreateTextCommand("Select top 10 id as Id, name as Name, xtype as XType, crdate as CreateDate from sysobjects where xtype = @xtype") .WithParameters(new List<SqlParameter> {xtype.ToSqlParameter("@xtype")}); return ExecuteToListOf<ExampleSysObjects>(cmd); } // Option 3 using WithParameter for Single Parameter public IList<ExampleSysObjects> ReadSysObjectsOfType2(string xtype) { var cmd = CreateTextCommand("Select top 10 id as Id, name as Name, xtype as XType, crdate as CreateDate from sysobjects where xtype = @xtype") .WithParameter(xtype.ToSqlParameter("@xtype")); return ExecuteToListOf<ExampleSysObjects>(cmd); } public ExampleSysObject GetSysObjectById(int Id) { var cmd = CreateTextCommand("Select 1 id as Id, name as Name, xtype as XType, crdate as CreateDate from sysobjects where Id = @Id") .WithParameter(Id.ToSqlParameter("@Id")); return ExecuteTo<ExampleSysObject>(cmd); } }
It is recommended to use parameterized queries, A parameterized query (aka a prepared statement) is a means of pre-compiling a SQL statement so that all you need to supply are the "parameters" into the statement for it to be executed. The primary benefit is that it is a robust way of avoiding SQL injection attacks. It has side benefit of performance as it the database can pre-compile and cache a prepared version for execution.
Above you see two different examples of using setting the parameters and two data types. You can either add the parameters to the command object before execution
Or use the .WithParameters extension method.
.WithParameters(new List<SqlParameter> {xtype.ToSqlParameter("@xtype")});